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Cassatas Yielding Yean

Født 16/10-1998 - DKK 23067/98


Bubbling Gandhi (B)

HD: Fri
INTUCH LUXCH FINUCH Exhibition Man De Saint Urbain LOF37438/06388 HD: Fri Mardas Maritime Man LOF34102/05296 ENGSHCH Mardas Master Mariner (S)
Timspring Eider
INTUCH FINUCH LUXCH HOLLCH TYSKCH GBSHCH Lejie Lucy LOF26920/04830 GBCH Keyson Krispin of Blondella (S)
Lindall Miss Holly
Bubbling Claire De Lune SF25502/93 HD: fri HOLLCH LUXCH Lejie Royal Mail KCR1453905R02 GBSHCH Rocheby Royal Oak
Leijie Lovely Lady
FINUCH Loresho Oystercatcher FINUCH Charway Sea Badger
Mallorn's Appelsauce

Cassatas Orient Onyx (S)

SUCH Cassatas Chivas-Regal (S) S53229/88 HD: UA AA: UA Follytower Admiral Moon (S) S58020/86 HD: UA AA: UA GBCH Kupros Master Mariner (S) KCSB4396BU
Kupros Moon River Of Follytower (S) KCSB2699BP
SUCH Fairchilds Cassata (S) S49849/86 HD: UA AA: UA INTUCH NORDUCH Mallards Clay Basker (S) S55044/81 HD: UA
LP Mallards Spey Gillie (S) S63850/78 HD: UA
Sea-Birds She's A Heartbreaker (S) S67207/92 HD: UA INTUCH VDHCH DKUCH WW-90 Dee-Fair Amazing Fame DK22710/88 HD: Fri V.V.86 BWSG86 SCH DKCH INTCH FRSG86 VDHCH Sandylands Night Flight (S) 28926/85 HD: B1
Aroscas Amazing Miss (G) S63346/81 HD: UA
Fairchilds Design For Seabird's (s) S23598/87 HD: UA Minväns Teodor (S) S65357/84 HD:UA
SUCH Fairchilds Benitha (S) S16660/85 HD: UA

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