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Juni's Itzi-Bitzi

Født 19/02-2004 - DKK 03931/2004


Lab Treasure's Born To Be Wild (B)
Nr. 08039/2000

HD: A AA: 0
Master of Chocolat du Taillis Madame (B) NHSB 2050094
HD: B AA: 0
Brandhams Make Me A Star For Oulsmi (S) LOF 076453/10009 GBCH Kupros Master Mariner (S)
Brandhams Hot Choise for Oulsmi (B)
Oulsmi Calypso (B) LOF 078842/12617 Stormley Craftsman at Ludzska (B)
Brandhams Keepsake at Elorac (B)
INTCH DKCH SCH KBHV00 NORDV00 KBHV03 DCHVDH O'Sofinas Quite as Nice 20188/97HD: A1 AA: 0 SCH SCHS Trendmaker’s The Moose is Loose (S) S 32029/94 HD: UA AA: 0 NCH Boothgate’s It’s Showtime (S)
Trendmaker’s Traffic Jam (S)
INTCH FINCH ESTCH FINV-95 ESTV-96 Loresho Jell-O (S)SF 11846/93 HD: A2 Mardas Maroon (S)
FINCH Loresho Fine Black Lace (S)

Exquisito's Adelante Muchacha
Nr. 20948/98

HD: B2 AA: 0
SUCH Cassatas Quickly Qvintus (S)
S28374/96 HD: UA AA: UA
Follytower Man O´War (S) S18760/92 HD: UA AA: UA Merrymills Sea-Commander of Follytower (S) KC N1606601N02
Follytower Willow (S)KCSB 1334BU HD: UA
SUCH Cassatas Ever Bossa Nova (S) S12075/92 HD: UA Like´Ims Water Dancer (S) S16764/87 HD: UA AA: UA
SUCH Cassatas Chiquita (S) S53235/88 HD: UA AA: UA
Juni's Fanta (G)21699/94HD: A2 AA: 0 DKCH Jackkillian (G) 13649/91 HD: B2 AA: 0 Kimvalley Christmas Gift (G) 02958/91 HD: A2
DKCH Palcon's Danish Delightful (S) 08068/88 HD: B1
Juni's Zheba (S) 06453/91 HD: A1 Dee-Fair Flying Marquis (G) 22594/86 HD: A2
Sessan (S) 03175/87 HD: A2

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